CBD x Tech – Highly Effective PlantTech

CBD has been steadily making itself known throughout the health, beauty, and wellness industry for years, whether it is in the form of an edible, topical ointment or tincture or tincture. CBD is a chemical found in marijuana that doesn’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient found in marijuana that produces a high. However, there are many benefits with little to no significant side effects with CBD usage. Its ability to be formulated as oil or extracted via other methods has led to creating everyday products that are CBD-infused.

According to Forbes, the CBD industry has become a big business, but it’s projected to become even more prominent. In 2020, two years after the government federally legalized CBD, sales in the U.S. hit $4.6 billion. The sales growth is estimated to be around $15- 20 billion by 2024 and 2025. This accelerated growth and awareness of CBD has increased sales and has increased the level of inquiry regarding regulation, innovation, and public education.

So how are CBD and technology connected?

As the industry continues to expand and as many CBD business owners work towards quality assurance and compliance of their CBD products, here is how technology is playing a significant role in how the industry is evolving. 


The use of nanoencapsulation technology has enhanced CBD bioavailability. Typically CBD has a low bioavailability – this technology increases the human body’s ability to absorb CBD formed in the bloodstream. This augmented bioavailability breaks down the CBD molecules into easily absorbable particles. The higher the bioavailability of the CBD in the product, the more proficient it is in providing treatment. As nanotechnology studies continue, more products are likely to be made using this method.

Light Optimization

In indoor cannabis cultivation, advanced LED lighting systems have created a uniform color and light distribution across all parts of the plants within the facilities. This technology allows for increased sustainability, better growth yields, and an overall reduction in energy consumption and maintenance costs.

Extraction Methods

Scientists and researchers are testing modern extraction methods that are safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly to produce higher-quality CBD oil. Previous processes involved using ethanol, butane, and acetone. However, due to research and technology, safer extractions exist without using hydrocarbons—the alternative method (also known as the gold standard in extraction is supercritical CO2 extraction). Unlike the hydrocarbon method that introduces carcinogenic compounds into the crude extract from hemp plants, this method is cleaner, safer, and quick.

Retail and Knowledge-Based Applications

Knowledge is power. As the CBD and overall cannabis industry continue to experience exponential growth, app-based resources directly related to the sector are also arising. Several startups, such as Budly and Eaze, allow customers to order their recreation or medicinal cannabis products on their doorsteps. 

Other resource-based apps to find trusted brands and retailers that sell CBD products in your local area include but are not limited to:

  • Weedmaps
  • Leafly
  • Vana
  • Kushy

Many more applications provide consumers with detailed descriptions, side effects, and general information about the strain of marijuana or variation of CBD that pique their interest.

Overall, CBD was once a taboo alternative for health and wellness – especially in the United States, and has now become an accessible and safe option for people worldwide. There is even technology being used to test CBD tailored to genetics, making treatments in the future even more effective and personalized. This kind of cutting-edge technology and increased innovation in the CBD and cannabis landscape continues to propel the industry forward. At this rate, the future of CBD and plant tech is looking promising.


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